The Most Accurate Humidity Calibration Standards in the Industry
More than 1200 clients constitute a testament to insistence on quality, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Our systems, purchased by many national standards laboratories around the world, represent the full spectrum of companies who require the tightest of tolerances for their humidity calibrations.
- National Standards Laboratories
- U.S. Military Metrology Labs & Defense Agencies
- Industrial Manufacturing Companies
- Energy Utilities Power
- U. S. Government Agencies
- Medical & Health Care Products
- Research Laboratories
- Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Weather & Oceanography Agencies
- Aerospace Metrology Laboratories
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Industrial Chemical Facilities
- Higher Education Institutions
- Foreign Government Agencies
- Food & Consumer Goods
- Computer Electronics Technology
Thunder Scientific also offers calibration services for a wide range of humidity generating/measuring instruments. Thunder Scientific is currently the only NVLAP accredited source to offer humidity calibrations that are traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through a national metrology institute (NIST) recognized through a CIPM MRA with uncertainties at (0.17% * R) + 0.016 %RH.*
We constantly research and improve our humidity systems to meet the changing requirements of industry. Sign up for our email newsletter, Thunder Struck, to stay up-to-date with our latest product innovations.
Thunder Scientific's NVLAP Accreditation

Thunder Scientific Corporation is pleased to announce that we currently retain renewed accreditation through the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), (NVLAP Lab Code: 200582-0) which is administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Thunder Scientifics’ calibration laboratory follows strict guidelines to maintain its lab code (Laboratory Code: 200582-0). Click here to view our NVLAP Scope of Accreditation or view our NVLAP Certificate of Accreditation.