Thunder Scientific's NVLAP Accreditation

Click here to view our 2024-2025 Certificate of Accreditation (PDF: 1.17 MB).Â
Click here to view our 2024-2025 Scope of Accreditation (PDF: 91 KB).Â
NVLAP provides an unbiased third-party evaluation and recognition of performance, as well as expert technical guidance to upgrade laboratory performance. NVLAP accreditation signifies that a laboratory has demonstrated that it operates in accordance with NVLAP management and technical requirements pertaining to quality systems; personnel; accommodation and environment; test and calibration methods; equipment; measurement traceability; sampling; handling of test and calibration items; and test and calibration reports.
More information about the NVLAP program can be found at
Disclaimer: Use of the NVLAP symbol does not imply product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the U.S. Government.
Please contact: Thunder Scientific Corporation sales department if you have questions or would like to arrange for a NVLAP accredited calibration. You can reach us toll free at 1-800-872-7728 or via e-mail at